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  • Tobias Wiesner's avatar
    MueLu: update MueLu tutorial xml files · 5320963f
    Tobias Wiesner authored
    The auto-generation script for the MueLu tutorial was not working properly any
    more since some of the used xml files have not been appropriately updated.
    Build/Test Cases Summary
    Enabled Packages: Zoltan2
    Enabled all Forward Packages
    0) MPI_DEBUG => Skipped configure, build, test due to no enabled packages! => Does not affect push readiness! (-1.00 min)
    1) SERIAL_RELEASE => Skipped configure, build, test due to no enabled packages! => Does not affect push readiness! (-1.00 min)
    2) MPI_DEBUG_ENIGMA => passed: passed=332,notpassed=0 (50.19 min)
    Other local commits for this build/test group: 31d1a077, 86c58dfc, 55942ac6, 94d8da42, 87fedbda, 6e560175, 3c2e5f68