Panzer: Cleanup of Workset interface
Created by: seamill
Motivation and Context
Currently the workset is more or less a massive storage container for everything we require, and much of it is stored in structure form (direct access to class members). The goal of this update is to add a function interface to access these calls, and to strip everything out of worksets that isn't required.
The main reason for doing so is to allow for on-demand allocation and filling of geometry/topological data arrays as required by the derived code. Currently the workset allocates and fills everything that could possibly be required by the user, which takes lots of memory, and a bit of compute time. By making these calls on-demand, the total allocations made will be greatly reduced for most applications.
Making the interface on-demand also cleans up the workset construction by not requiring the user to know what Basis/Cubature/Geometry/Topology is required by the derived FEM/FV/FD code during workset construction.
What do we keep/remove/redesign
Ideally, worksets would be a simple container that would look like:
class Workset
using Scalar = double;
using Index = int;
numDimensions() const;
subcellIndex() const;
Kokkos::View<const Scalar***>
cellVertices() const;
const std::string &
blockID() const;
Kokkos::View<const Index*>
localCellIndexes() const;
const panzer::SubcellConnectivity &
getSubcellConnectivity(const int subcell_dimension) const;
const panzer::IntegrationValues2<Scalar> &
getIntegrationValues(const panzer::IntegrationDescriptor & description) const;
const panzer::IntegrationRule &
getIntegrationRule(const panzer::IntegrationDescriptor & description) const;
panzer::BasisValues2<Scalar> &
getBasisValues(const panzer::BasisDescriptor & basis_description,
const panzer::IntegrationDescriptor & integration_description) const;
const panzer::BasisValues2<Scalar> &
getBasisValues(const panzer::BasisDescriptor & basis_description,
const panzer::IntegrationDescriptor & integration_description) const;
const panzer::BasisValues2<Scalar> &
getBasisValues(const panzer::BasisDescriptor & basis_description,
const panzer::PointDescriptor & point_description) const;
const panzer::PointValues2<Scalar> &
getPointValues(const panzer::PointDescriptor & point_description) const;
const panzer::PureBasis &
getBasis(const panzer::BasisDescriptor & description) const;
numCells() const;
numOwnedCells() const;
numGhostCells() const;
numVirtualCells() const;
std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const panzer::Workset& w);
Naturally, there are a few issues with this. Having 'const' everywhere is required since worksets are passed around as const, but it will make things tricky when adding an on-demand feature. For now we can get away with having a shared pointer to an underlying class that does all the mutable stuff... assuming this doesn't cause issues with CUDA.
It also leaves the question of what to do with the rest of the interface. As far as I can tell, the above is missing the following (most of which probably shouldn't be in the workset):
Teuchos::RCP< std::vector<std::string> > basis_names;
void setNumberOfCells(int o_cells,int g_cells,int v_cells);
void setIdentifier(std::size_t identifier) { identifier_ = identifier; }
std::size_t getIdentifier() const { return identifier_; }
double alpha;
double beta;
double time;
double step_size;
double stage_number;
std::vector<double> gather_seeds; // generic gather seeds
bool evaluate_transient_terms;
Teuchos::RCP<WorksetDetails> other;
class WorksetDetailsAccessor;
I also don't know why there are multiple 'WorksetDetails' available in a workset.
If @eric-c-cyr and @rppawlo could run me though the reasoning behind the additional workset stuff, I would be grateful.
Definition of Done
The updates to workset are straightforward. Updating Drekar, Charon, and the various EMPIRE codes will be a bit tricky so we will break it into a set of phases. Updating Charon and Drekar may require some help from @jmgate. Updates to Empire will probably go smoother with @CamelliaDPG.
Phase 1
Workset interface changes:
Merge Workset and WorksetDetails into a single class. -
Clean up and minimize interface based after discussing things with Eric and Roger. -
Clean up workset construction interface (currently there are multiple conflicting ways to do this) -
Deprecate the old interface -
Deprecate old construction scheme -
Update Drekar -
Update Charon -
Phase 2
Workset on-demand changes:
Modify workset so that requesting things using Descriptors
will spawn new BasisValues/PointValues/IntegrationRules/etc. -
Remove 'old' deprecated interface -
Remove alternative construction schemes
Note that we will allow the worksets to be fully allocated/filled if the user requests this using the construction interface (i.e. WorksetNeeds is passed to the construction scheme).
Phase 3
Update BasisValues2 class
Split BasisValues2
into two classes:BasisValues
Add function interface to new classes -
Implement on-demand calculations of various datasets -
Deprecate old interface -
Update Drekar -
Update Charon -
Phase 4
Update IntegrationValues2 class
Rename to IntegrationValues
Add function interface to new classes -
Implement on-demand calculations of various datasets -
Deprecate old interface -
Update Drekar -
Update Charon -
Phase 5
Update PointValues2 class
Rename to PointValues
Add function interface to new classes -
Implement on-demand calculations of various datasets -
Deprecate old interface -
Update Drekar -
Update Charon -
Phase 6
Update subcell connectivity interface
Add node/edge/face subcell connectivity to topological mesh analysis in Panzer (lots of questions here) -
Add node/edge/face subcell connectivities to workset (on-demand) -
Deprecate old interface -
Update Drekar -
Update Charon -
Phase 7
Once everyone stops yelling at me, we can go ahead and remove the deprecated interface