Intrepid2 and Panzer build errors in new cuda-10.1 builds on 'white'
Created by: bartlettroscoe
CC: @trilinos/intrepid2, @trilinos/panzer @mperego (Trilinos Discretizations Product Lead), @bartlettroscoe, @fryeguy52
??: Add label "client: ATDM"> ??: Add label "ATDM Sev: Blocker" (by default but could be other "ATDM Sev: XXX")> ??: Add label "type: bug"?> ??: Add label for affected packages (e.g. "pkg: MueLu", "pkg: Tpetra", "pkg: Kokkos", etc.)> ??: Add label "PA: ???Project Area???" (e.g. "PA: Linear Solvers", "PA: Data Services")> ??: Add milestone "Initial cleanup of new ATDM ..." or "Keep promoted ATDM ..."> ??: Once GitHub Issue is created, add entries for tests to TrilinosATDMStatus/*.csv files>Next Action Status
As shown here on CDash, there are many build failures in Intrepid2 and Panzer shown in the new build:
that as been set up on 'white' (see TRIL-245).
This starts with build errors in Intrepid2 as shown here that look like:
/home/jenkins/white/workspace/Trilinos-atdm-white-ride-cuda-10.1-gnu-7.2.0-release-debug/SRC_AND_BUILD/Trilinos/packages/intrepid2/src/Discretization/Basis/Intrepid2_HCURL_TET_In_FEMDef.hpp:451:64: error: invalid conversion from ‘Intrepid2::ordinal_type* {aka int*}’ to ‘Intrepid2::ordinal_type {aka int}’ [-fpermissive]
tags[i_card+1][0] = 2; // face dof
The build errors in Panzer look to be these same errors coming from Intrepid2.
Current Status on CDash
Steps to Reproduce
One should be able to reproduce this failure on the machine 'white' as described in:
More specifically, the commands given for the system 'white' are provided at:
The exact commands on 'white' to reproduce this issue should be:
$ cd <some_build_dir>/
$ source $TRILINOS_DIR/cmake/std/atdm/ \
$ cmake \
-GNinja \
-DTrilinos_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE:STRING=cmake/std/atdm/ATDMDevEnv.cmake \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_TESTS=ON -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Intrepid2=ON \
$ make NP=16