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Tpetra: fixing matrix-matrix multiply for GPUs

James Willenbring requested to merge issue-2331 into develop

Created by: crtrott


This fixes the matrix-matrix product related failures in Tpetra at least. May fix the related downstream stuff.

Testing of Tpetra done with the test_sandia_tpetra script on Shepard and White. Note that one test fails intermittently in all configurations even Serial: TpetraCore_BlockCrsPerfTest_MPI_4. That is also the one failing test reported below. Rerunning makes it pass most of the time.

Shepard OpenMP:

bash-4.1$ cat nohup.openmp 
nohup: ignoring input
Running on machine: shepard
Repository Status:  9085e3bbabfae96492e12a060c7393d98217a7e4 Tpetra: fixing matrix-matrix multiply for GPUs

Configure-Only: [ False ] Build-Only: [ False ] Report-To-CDash: [ False ]
Calling: /ascldap/users/crtrott/Trilinos/sampleScripts/Sandia-SEMS/configure-testbeds-tpetra-jenkins &> configure.out
Calling: make -j 32 &> build.out
Calling: ctest &> test.out

   Warnings:  198
   Errors:    0
   Failed:    0
   Timeout:   0
   Not Run:   0
Result: PASSED

Shepard Serial:

Running on machine: shepard
Repository Status:  9085e3bbabfae96492e12a060c7393d98217a7e4 Tpetra: fixing matrix-matrix multiply for GPUs

Configure-Only: [ False ] Build-Only: [ False ] Report-To-CDash: [ False ]
Calling: /ascldap/users/crtrott/Trilinos/sampleScripts/Sandia-SEMS/configure-testbeds-tpetra-jenkins &> configure.out
Calling: make -j 32 &> build.out
Calling: ctest &> test.out

   Warnings:  197
   Errors:    0
   Failed:    1
   Timeout:   0
   Not Run:   0
Result: FAILED

White Cuda/OpenMP:

crtrott@white31:/mnt/netapp/OHPC_home/crtrott/TrilinosBuild/White/Tpetra$ cat nohup.default 
nohup: ignoring input
Running on machine: white
Repository Status:  9085e3bbabfae96492e12a060c7393d98217a7e4 Tpetra: fixing matrix-matrix multiply for GPUs

Configure-Only: [ False ] Build-Only: [ False ] Report-To-CDash: [ False ]
Calling: /mnt/netapp/OHPC_home/crtrott/Trilinos/sampleScripts/Sandia-SEMS/configure-testbeds-tpetra-jenkins &> configure.out
Calling: make -j 32 &> build.out
Calling: ctest &> test.out

   Warnings:  251
   Errors:    0
   Failed:    0
   Timeout:   0
   Not Run:   0
Result: PASSED

Merge request reports