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Set KOKKOS_ARCH differently for chama and serrano in ATDM config

James Willenbring requested to merge fryeguy52:atdm-chama-200 into develop

Created by: fryeguy52


The toss3/ script was setting


which is correct for serrano but not for chama. ATDM_CONFIG_KOKKOS_ARCH is now set in the serrano/ and chama/ scripts

Motivation and Context

This fixes illegal instruction errors on chama when I do local builds of various packages.

How Has This Been Tested?

Previously all tests would fail due to illegal instruction error, with this change the tests pass again. I tested this with a build of Kokkos and a build of Thyra

  export TRILINOS_DIR=/gscratch/jfrye/Trilinos
  source $TRILINOS_DIR/cmake/std/atdm/ $JOB_NAME

  cmake \
  -DTrilinos_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE:STRING=cmake/std/atdm/ATDMDevEnv.cmake \
  -DTrilinos_ENABLE_TESTS=ON \
  -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Thyra=ON \

  make -j16
  ctest -j16 -VV
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 81

Subproject Time Summary:
Thyra    = 332.77 sec*proc (81 tests)

Total Test time (real) =  23.33 sec

Merge request reports