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Disable four exodus SEACAS tests failing with Not Run on mutrino (#3496)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

@trilinos/seacas, @gsjaardema


The commands run fine when run manually but for some reason ctest refuses to run these and reports a:

  Unable to find required file: CMND_PATH-NOTFOUND


It was requested to disable these tests.

Motivation and Context

Tests have been failing for some time and it is desired to disable them (see

How Has This Been Tested?

I tested this on 'mutrino' by running:

$ cd ~/Trilinos.base/BUILDS/MUTRINO/CHECKIN/

$ ./ intel-opt-openmp-HSW intel-opt-openmp-KNL \
  --enable-packages=SEACAS --configure

The showed the correct disables:

$ find . -maxdepth 2 -name "configure.out" -exec grep -nH "NOT added" {} \; | grep "_DISABLE" | grep exodus | grep -v "unit_tests"
./intel-opt-openmp-KNL/configure.out:409:-- SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32: NOT added test because SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-KNL/configure.out:410:-- SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus64: NOT added test because SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus64_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-KNL/configure.out:411:-- SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32_pnetcdf: NOT added test because SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32_pnetcdf_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-KNL/configure.out:423:-- SEACASAprepro_aprepro_test_exodus: NOT added test because SEACASAprepro_aprepro_test_exodus_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-HSW/configure.out:409:-- SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32: NOT added test because SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-HSW/configure.out:410:-- SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus64: NOT added test because SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus64_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-HSW/configure.out:411:-- SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32_pnetcdf: NOT added test because SEACASIoss_exodus32_to_exodus32_pnetcdf_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-HSW/configure.out:423:-- SEACASAprepro_aprepro_test_exodus: NOT added test because SEACASAprepro_aprepro_test_exodus_DISABLE='ON'!

## Checklist

- [x] My commit messages mention the appropriate GitHub issue numbers.

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