Ifpack2: Expand "relaxation w/ equilibration" example
Created by: mhoemmen
As part of #3787 (closed), I expanded Ifpack2's "relaxation with equilibration" example, into a tool that I found useful for comparing solvers and preconditioners. I added the following features:
- Add hand-rolled BiCGSTAB that imitates AztecOO's implementation of BiCGSTAB
- Add hand-rolled BiCGSTAB that imitates van der Vorst's unpreconditioned BiCGSTAB
- Add AztecOO + Epetra solver to example (converts from Tpetra to Epetra)
- Add option to compare with dense (LAPACK) solvers. We compare with two solvers: an SVD-based least-squares solver, and LU factorization with partial pivoting and equilibration.
- Add eigenvalue display to dense (LAPACK) solver option
- Show explicit residual norm for each (iterative) solver
- Add printSolution option
I think this could be useful for other tasks, so I'm adding it permanently to Ifpack2.
Related Issues
- Related to #3787 (closed)