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Don't allow Trilinos-atdm-white-ride-cuda-9.2-gnu-7.2.0-rdc-release-debug-pt to run on 'ride7' (ATDV-155)

Created by: bartlettroscoe


It seems this node times out the build at 12 hours every time this build is runs on the node 'ride7' so just don't run this (expensive) build on that node :-) (See ATDV-155).

How was this tested?

I tested this with on 'ride' with:

$ cd /home/rabartl/Trilinos.base2/BUILDS/RIDE/CTEST_S/

$ env Trilinos_PACKAGES=Kokkos \
  ./ cuda-9.2-gnu-7.2.0-rdc-release-debug-pt


The file:

  • Trilinos-atdm-white-ride-cuda-9.2-gnu-7.2.0-rdc-release-debug-pt/smart-jenkins-driver.out


+ bsub -x -Is -q rhel7F -n 16 -J Trilinos-atdm-white-ride-cuda-9.2-gnu-7.2.0-rdc-release-debug-pt -W 12:00 -R 'hname!=ride7' /ascldap/users/rabartl/Trilinos.base2/BUILDS/RIDE/CTEST
***Forced exclusive execution
Job <855489> is submitted to queue <rhel7F>.
<<Waiting for dispatch ...>>
<<Starting on ride10>>

That looks like the right exclusion argument -R 'hname!=ride7' to me.

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