Build failures in SPARC 'master' + Trilinos 'develop' starting 2/5/2019 due to break in Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix
Created by: bartlettroscoe
CC: @trilinos/teuchos , @jwillenbring (Trilinos Framework Product Lead), @bartlettroscoe, @fryeguy52, @sebrowne, @micahahoward
Next Action Status
Backward compatibility breaking PR #4259 merged to 'develop' on 2/4/2019 was reverted in PR #4336 merged on 2/11/2019 (and 'atdm-develop-nightly' on 2/10/2018) and the SPARC 'master' + Trilinos 'develop' builds passed (except for some existing SPARC test failures) on 2/11/2019.
As shown in this SPARC CDash query for 2019-02-05, the version of Trilinos 'develop' for testing day 2019-02-05 has broken the new SPARC 'master' + Trilinos 'develop' builds (see TRIL-243) which detect defects in Trilinos 'develop' which break SPARC. These build failures did not exist in those builds the previous day as shown in this SPARC CDash query for 2019-02-04.
The 'clang-5.0.1' build shows just one build failure here which shows:
sparc-ear99/src/solver-analysis/ROLInterface.C:313:14: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('std::ofstream' (aka 'basic_ofstream') and 'Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix' (aka 'SerialDenseMatrix'))
cov_out << cov;
~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~
That SPARC 'master' build was built against Trilinos 'develop' for testing day 2019-02-05 for the build Trilinos-atdm-cee-rhel6_clang-5.0.1_openmpi-1.10.2_serial_static_opt
shown here.
Current Status on CDash
The current status of the SPARC 'master' + Trilinos 'develop' builds for the current testing day can be see [here|] (internal link).
Steps to Reproduce
For one that has access to the SPARC development resources, one can reproduce the build failures using the sparc-tril-build-helper