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Change many `Trilinos_` to `${PROJECT_NAME}_` references to proejct-level TriBITS vars so that meta builds with Trilinos work (Addresses trilinos/Trilinos#1493)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

This is my branch that fixes all of the issues mentioned in trilinos/Trilinos#1493.

I tested this locally script with:

$ ./ \
    --enable-all-packages=off  \
    --enable-packages=Amesos2,Galeri,MueLu,Sacado,ShyLU,STK,Stokhos,Tpetra \

The test results are shown below. This branch is based on the Trilinos version:

88a2774 "Shylu/Tacho - added cpu relax"
Author: Kyungjoo Kim <>
Date:   Thu Jul 13 17:16:04 2017 -0600 (4 days ago)

M       packages/shylu/tacho/refactor/src/TachoExp_CholSupernodes_Serial.hpp
M       packages/shylu/tacho/refactor/src/TachoExp_SupernodeInfo.hpp

That version corresponds to the CI build:

I compared the number of tests run locally on the branch to that post-push CI build. The number of tests run for each package was the same except for the following exceptions:

  • Ifpack: CI build = 48, branch = 53 (5 more tests run on branch)
  • MueLu: CI build = 53, branch = 56 (3 more tests run on branch)

My guess is that the reason we are seeing more tests running if Ifpack and MueLu is due to the wrong vars being used or misspelled or something. Once we merge and push this branch and let the CI build process it, we will be able to see clearly on CDash the exact tests that got added due to these changes.

This PR is to give the various developers associated with these updated packages to review the changes: @trilinos/amesos2 , @trilinos/framework (for Galeri), @trilinos/muelu, @trilinos/sacado, @trilinos/shylu, @trilinos/stk, @trilinos/stokhos, @trilinos/tpetra

However, given the simple nature of these changes and the testing analysis I did, I will go ahead and push tomorrow unless there are serious objections. This needs to get fixed to allow for Trilinos to be used in meta-projects which is important for CASL and other projects at Sandia.

NOTE: I will provide the patches to STK to the SIERRA STK team so that then can apply them to the SIERRA STK repo. That way, when the next snapshot of STK is pulled back to Trilinos, the changes will be maintained.

  100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2033
  Label Time Summary:
  Amesos               =  19.18 sec (14 tests)
  Amesos2              =   9.94 sec (8 tests)
  Anasazi              = 105.15 sec (71 tests)
  Belos                =  98.14 sec (70 tests)
  Domi                 = 145.72 sec (125 tests)
  FEI                  =  41.40 sec (43 tests)
  Galeri               =   3.93 sec (9 tests)
  Ifpack               =  56.46 sec (53 tests)
  Ifpack2              =  34.45 sec (33 tests)
  Intrepid             = 160.20 sec (152 tests)
  Intrepid2            =  23.13 sec (82 tests)
  ML                   =  44.46 sec (34 tests)
  MiniTensor           =   0.26 sec (2 tests)
  MueLu                = 217.63 sec (56 tests)
  NOX                  = 142.32 sec (106 tests)
  OptiPack             =   6.16 sec (5 tests)
  Panzer               = 258.93 sec (129 tests)
  Phalanx              =   3.85 sec (19 tests)
  Pike                 =   2.06 sec (7 tests)
  Piro                 =  26.26 sec (12 tests)
  ROL                  = 740.42 sec (133 tests)
  Rythmos              = 150.07 sec (83 tests)
  STK                  =  25.74 sec (11 tests)
  Sacado               =  36.49 sec (292 tests)
  ShyLU                =   7.78 sec (5 tests)
  Stokhos              =  92.56 sec (75 tests)
  Stratimikos          =  31.47 sec (39 tests)
  Teko                 =  78.57 sec (19 tests)
  Tempus               = 550.10 sec (9 tests)
  Thyra                =  59.05 sec (80 tests)
  Tpetra               = 130.64 sec (132 tests)
  TrilinosCouplings    =  40.91 sec (19 tests)
  Xpetra               =  39.89 sec (17 tests)
  Zoltan2              = 127.78 sec (97 tests)

Merge request reports
