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Resolves "Create CODEOWNERS File"

James Willenbring requested to merge jmgate:2013-createCodeownersFile into develop

Created by: jmgate



A CODEOWNERS file was added to a hidden .github directory such that all but a handful of Trilinos packages have a GitHub trilinos team associated with them. These teams will automatically be included as reviewers on pull requests in which files in their package are modified.

Motivation and Context

This ensures packages are notified of any pull requests that will potentially modify them. It protects us some from the possibility of someone having no real knowledge of a package giving a favorable review, which would then allow a PR to be merged.

Related Issues

How Has This Been Tested?

It hasn't, really—we're just going to see if it works the way GitHub says it should.


  • My commit messages mention the appropriate GitHub issue numbers.
  • My code follows the code style of the affected package(s).
  • My change requires a change to the documentation.
  • I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • I have read the code contribution guidelines for this project.
  • I have added tests to cover my changes.
  • All new and existing tests passed.
  • No new compiler warnings were introduced.
  • These changes break backwards compatibility.

Merge request reports