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Tempus: Get FSA methods working with IMEX (Partitioned).

James Willenbring requested to merge tempus_imex_sa into develop

Created by: etphipp


This commit gets the forward sensitivity methods working with the IMEX_RK and IMEX_RK_Partitioned steppers. These steppers require a special model evaluator wrapper pair, and these changes for the most part just create new wrapper pairs with the forward model wrapped by FSA model evaluators. However in some cases these wrapper pairs have to be specialized for the sensitivity equations to add in all of the needed sensitivity terms and to handle the product structure of the explicit model x/f space. Tests were added for the van der Pol IMEX_RK and IMEX_RK_Partitioned tests for combined and staggered sensitivities. Pseudo-transient forward sensitivities should work as well, although they are not tested (would have to invent a new model in the IMEX structure to test this).

Adjoint sensitivities are not done yet because, unlike the forward sensitivity methods, the adjoint sensitivity equations don't have the same IMEX structure as the forward equations, and thus adjoint-specific IMEX steppers will need to be developed.

These changes have been tested with the SEMS checkin-test script, and are safe to merge.

Merge request reports