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Tempus: Improved testing; added testing of xDot. #2716

James Willenbring requested to merge 2716-ImprovedTesting into develop

Created by: ccober6

  • Added to the tests, the testing of xDot. Previously no testing of the time derivative was done.
  • Cleaned up testing to use some common functions for writing the solution, reference solution, and order/error convergence data.
  • Fix many miss-named and miss-spelled variables and filenames.
  • Added Irina's #defines to all tests for each Teuchos unit test. This makes it easy to turn off unit tests while debugging.


  • Change default SolutionHistory::StorageType from "Unlimited" to
  • "Undo". this better reflects the normal situation for applications. For most Steppers, two SolutionStates are required for implicit solvers and setting the time derivative.
  • Added exceptions to Steppers to ensure that there is the minimum number of SolutionStates available in the SolutionHistory. Most Steppers require at least two (the currentState, x_{n-1}, and the workingState, x_n).
  • BUG FIX - In SolutionHistory::initWorkingState(), the last State is removed and then the CurrentState is copied into the newState. However when the number of States was one, there is no State to copy from.
  • Added doxygen comments on TimeStepControlStrategy_BasicVS, describing the functionality, mathematical statements, and suggested settings. Changed the default eta's to reflect constant time step control. Made these changes also in the tests.
  • Separate the "Constant" and "Variable" output control in TimeStepControl::getNextTime().
  • Set min and max timestep to the initial time step for constant time step, and added an initialize() to reset values in TimeStepControl.



  • My commit messages mention the appropriate GitHub issue numbers.
  • [ x] My code follows the code style of the affected package(s).
  • [ x] My change requires a change to the documentation.
  • [ x] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • [ x] I have read the code contribution guidelines for this project.
  • [ x] I have added tests to cover my changes.
  • [ x] All new and existing tests passed.
  • [ x] No new compiler warnings were introduced.
  • These changes break backwards compatibility.

Merge request reports