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Epetra: small change in CMakeList.txt for IntMultiVector_Distributed test

James Willenbring requested to merge lucbv:Epetra_fix_2743 into develop

Created by: lucbv



This change requires that an MPI communicator be available to run the test. This makes sense since the goal of the test is to check the behavior of object when it is actually distributed among multiple ranks. Some of the checks base on rank number would not make sense in serial.

Motivation and Context

This fix is need to have a clean dashboard

Related Issues

How Has This Been Tested?

I compiled and ran the tests using the same configuration as the failing build.


  • My commit messages mention the appropriate GitHub issue numbers.
  • My code follows the code style of the affected package(s).
  • I have read the code contribution guidelines for this project.
  • All new and existing tests passed.
  • No new compiler warnings were introduced.

Merge request reports