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Zoltan: Fix #3065 -- unresolved references link error in ATDM builds

James Willenbring requested to merge fix3065 into develop

Created by: kddevin



The ATDM build (as instructed in #3065 (closed)) disliked having both an actual declaration and an extern declaration of global variables in the same source file (only using the C++ compiler; the C compiler didn't care). This PR separates the extern declarations from the actual declarations. The ATDM build now completes successfully.

I did not take the time to discover what feature of the ATDM build differed from my CUDA build on white (which did not demonstrate this problem). If knowing this difference becomes important later, I'll investigate further. For now, I'll switch to using the ATDM build always.

Note that these global variables are only in Zoltan's tests, not in its library. Thus, they do not impact user's application code.

Related Issues

This fix should resolve #3065 (closed) and #1882 (closed)

How Has This Been Tested?

Built on white using instructions in #3065 (closed). Also built and ran on linux workstation using my standard build scripts (with no changes). Also built using autotools


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