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Tpetra develop

James Willenbring requested to merge kyungjoo-kim:tpetra-develop into develop

Created by: kyungjoo-kim

This removes Tpetra::Details::gemm and gemv functions and they are replaced by Kokkos::Blas::gemm and gemv. So far, gemm is only used in Tpetra and Stokhos.

This PR also requires updates from Kokkos and KokkosKernels (when do we integrate them again ?) I also submitted another PR (kokkos/kokkos-kernels#277) which is required KokkosKernels. This PR should not be tested by the auto tester until kokkos family is snapshotted or the changes are directly pushed into trilinos repo.


@mhoemmen I did not delete test/blas but disable them. We probably need to delete them.
@etphipp I also modified stokhos code that uses tpetra details gemm. I did not test the code yet. I will update this page after finishing testing stokhos.

Motivation and Context

Tpetra Diet

Merge request reports