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Disable test Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4 in Intel builds (#2474)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

@trilinos/piro, @fryeguy52, @rppawlo (Trilinos Nonlinear Algorithms Product Lead)


With KOKKOS_ARCH=HSW now being set for these Intel builds, this test diffs badly just like for the GNU builds. Therefore, it is being disabled in these builds as well (see #2474 (closed)).

Motivation and Context

Need to clean up failing tests in promoted ATDM builds.

How Has This Been Tested?

On 'shiller' I ran:

$ ./ \
  intel-debug-openmp-HSW intel-debug-serial-HSW intel-opt-openmp-HSW intel-opt-serial-HSW \
  --enable-packages=Piro --configure

which returned:

PASSED (NOT READY TO PUSH): Trilinos: shiller01

Tue Aug  7 14:58:51 MDT 2018

Enabled Packages: Piro

Build test results:
0) MPI_RELEASE_DEBUG_SHARED_PT_OPENMP => Test case MPI_RELEASE_DEBUG_SHARED_PT_OPENMP was not run! => Does not affect push readiness! (-1.00 min)
1) intel-debug-openmp-HSW => passed: configure-only passed => Not ready to push! (1.62 min)
2) intel-debug-serial-HSW => passed: configure-only passed => Not ready to push! (4.06 min)
3) intel-opt-openmp-HSW => passed: configure-only passed => Not ready to push! (1.82 min)
4) intel-opt-serial-HSW => passed: configure-only passed => Not ready to push! (1.39 min)

And the following grep for the disables looks correct:

$ find . -maxdepth 2 -name configure.out -exec grep -H _DISABLE {} \; | grep intel- | grep "NOT added"
./intel-debug-serial-HSW/configure.out:-- Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4: NOT added test because Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-serial-HSW/configure.out:-- Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4: NOT added test because Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-debug-openmp-HSW/configure.out:-- Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4: NOT added test because Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4_DISABLE='ON'!
./intel-opt-openmp-HSW/configure.out:-- Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4: NOT added test because Piro_MatrixFreeDecorator_UnitTests_MPI_4_DISABLE='ON'!


  • My commit messages mention the appropriate GitHub issue numbers.

Merge request reports
