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Allow Sacado to run on Cuda with UVM disabled

James Willenbring requested to merge etphipp:sacado_no_uvm into develop

Created by: etphipp

This PR implements changes to Sacado and Kokkos to allow Sacado to run without UVM on Cuda. The Kokkos changes have already been merged to kokkos/develop though Kokkos PR #1703, so these changes will get overwritten at the next Kokkos merge into Trilinos. Those changes primarily involved modifying Kokkos::create_mirror() so that it can be overloaded for Sacado/Stokhos scalar types.

The Sacado/Stokhos changes have been tested on OpenMP (gcc, clang) and Cuda 8.

This is my understanding from @ndellingwood of the process for simultaneously modifying Trilinos and Kokkos. If this is not correct, please let me know.


Merge request reports