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Switch from OpenMPI 3.1.0 to 2.1.2 on 'waterman' (TRIL-213)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

CC: @fryeguy52, @mhoemmen, @kddevin, @rppawlo


Switches from OpenMPI 3.1.0 to OpenMPI 2.1.2 env on Power9 'waterman'. We were told by @nmhamster today that OpenMPI 3.1 really does not work on the Power9 (and is a known issue apparently) and to use the OpenMPI 2.1.2 env instead.

Motivation and Context

This appears to fix a bunch of failing tests including those in #3344 (closed), #3331 (closed) and perhaps others.

How Has This Been Tested?

On 'white' I ran:

$ bsub -x -Is -n 20 \
./ cuda-opt-Power9-Volta70 \
  --enable-packages=Kokkos,Teuchos,Zoltan2,Ifpack2,Tpetra,SEACAS,Panzer \

and it returned:

99% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 645

Subproject Time Summary:
Ifpack2    = 646.49 sec*proc (36 tests)
Kokkos     = 475.50 sec*proc (27 tests)
Panzer     = 7880.59 sec*proc (158 tests)
SEACAS     =  24.01 sec*proc (20 tests)
Teuchos    = 207.66 sec*proc (129 tests)
Tpetra     = 2326.59 sec*proc (173 tests)
Zoltan2    = 1269.06 sec*proc (102 tests)

Total Test time (real) = 1888.47 sec

The following tests FAILED:
        619 - PanzerAdaptersSTK_CurlLaplacianExample-ConvTest-Quad-Order-4 (Failed)
        623 - PanzerAdaptersSTK_MixedPoissonExample-ConvTest-Hex-Order-3 (Timeout)

This is worth trying on the full ATDM Trilinos build.

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