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Stacked timer reporting

James Willenbring requested to merge rppawlo:stacked-timer-reporting into develop

Created by: rppawlo

Fixed two issues. Each issue is addressed in a separate commit. Might be easier to review by commit.

  1. Addressed #4119 (closed) - stacked timer was seg faulting when using with kokkos space_time_stack profiling tool. This has been fixed. Users can control the start of the top level timer by calling startBaseTimer() or let the StackedTimer ctor automatically start it. Default is for ctor to start it automatically for backwards compatibility. The space_time_stack will seg fault if the last timer is not stopped. This was accomplished by calling stop() on the stacked timer. This function has been renamed to be consistent with the startBaseTimer() and to better describe what it really does.

  2. Fixed an issue with the parallel report() function. It was not flattening the 0 level timer correctly at the end of the recursion, so the level 0 and level 1 timers were printed on the same level.

Merge request reports