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TriKota: Disable Dakota's ROL interface

James Willenbring requested to merge briadam:trikota_rol-4270 into develop

Created by: briadam



Initial pass at addressing trilinos/Trilinos#4270: disable Dakota's ROL interface when building under trilinos/packages/TriKota.

Rationale: Would prefer to have Dakota use ROL as provided by Trilinos, but creates a circular package dependence due to ROL's optional use of TriKota. As ROL may remove dependence on Dakota sparse grid at some point, better to workaround this for now.

Also cleanup TriKota's interface to Dakota's CMake based on changes in the last few Dakota versions.

Motivation and Context

Addresses #4270

How Has This Been Tested?

Tested through make and ctest phases with this config (note requires upstream changes to ROL submitted separately).

cmake \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos:BOOL=ON \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_TriKota:BOOL=ON \


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  • [n ] I have added tests to cover my changes.
  • [y] All new and existing tests passed.
  • [y] No new compiler warnings were introduced.
  • [n] These changes break backwards compatibility.

Additional Information

I don't appear to have permission to assign reviewers, assignees, etc., but this may be of interest to @agsalin, @dpkouri, @dridzal, @ikalash

Merge request reports