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Change from 'develop' to 'atdm-develop-nightly' branch (TRIL-260)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

CC: @fryeguy52


We need to be testing a single consistent version of Trilinos across all ATDM Trilinos builds. Making this change does that.

NOTE: AT: AUTOMERGE is NOT set because I want to control when this branch gets merged so taht I can update the various Jenkins and cron drivers in coordination with this.

Motivation and Context

See TRIL-260.

How Has This Been Tested?

I tested this locally on 'crf450' with:

$ cd /home/rabartl/Trilinos.base/BUILDS/ATDM/JENKINS/

$ mkdir exp
$ cd exp/

$ ln -s ~/Trilinos.base/Trilinos .

$ env JOB_NAME=Trilinos-atdm-sems-rhel6-gnu-debug-serial \
    CTEST_TEST_TYPE=Experimental \
    Trilinos_PACKAGES=Kokkos,Teuchos \

This looks to have run correctly and is on the right branch:

$ cd SRC_AND_BUILD/Trilinos/

$ git branch | grep "[*]"
* atdm-develop-nightly

So that looks like that is ready to go. The actual version of Trilinos tested will automatically switched to the branch 'atdm-develop-nightly'. We will just need to switch up the base Trilinos driver repo.

Merge request reports