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Set up 'complex' builds on 'sems-rhel7' to support Gemma and EMPIRE (TRIL-255)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

CC: @fryeguy52, @jmgate

This sets up new ATDM Trilinos builds for the 'sems-rhel7' env that help to protect the ATDM code Gemma (see TRIL-255). All of these enable 'complex' support. In particular, there are cuda+complex builds that currently fail in Muelu that will need to be fixed. These builds will run on 'ascicgpu14' run from

These builds also help to support EMPIRE that has moved to use the 'sems-rhel7' env but we had no automated testing for the builds with the 'sems-rhel7' env posting to CDash.

I did a good bit of testing as documented in TRIL-264. Since these are mostly just setting up new builds these should not break existing builds. The only risk is are the changes to the ATDMDevEnvSettings.cmake file with the addition of the optional ATDM_CONFIG_CMAKE_CXX_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_OBJECTS var but I tested builds that did not set that so I am pretty confident that this will not break builds in other envs.

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