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Fix the default Intel compiler license server for 'sems-rhel7' env (TRIL-255)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

This makes the Intel compiler run much much faster on the machines 'cortado' and 'ascicgpu15' where this was tested.

I tested this on 'ascicgpu15' using:

$ ./ \
    sems-rhel7-intel-17.0.1-openmp-complex-shared-release-debug \
    --enable-packages=Kokkos,Teuchos --local-do-all --wipe-clean

and it returned:

PASSED (NOT READY TO PUSH): Trilinos: ascicgpu15

Thu Mar  7 09:51:48 MST 2019

Enabled Packages: Kokkos, Teuchos

Build test results:
1) sems-rhel7-intel-17.0.1-openmp-complex-shared-release-debug => passed: passed=164,notpassed=0 (6.78 min)

So the intel build is still slow compared to the other builds but not 42 minutes slow like shown here with the default intel license server.

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