Created by: bartlettroscoe
CC: @trilinos/anasazi, @trilinos/rol, @fryeguy52
This fixes long-failing Anaszzi (#3499) and ROL (#3914 (closed)) tests!
I tested this on 'ceerws1113' with:
$ /scratch/rabartl/Trilinos.base/BUILDS/ATDM/CEE-RHEL6/CHECKIN/
$ ./ cee-rhel6_intel-18.0.2_mpich2-3.2_openmp_static_opt \
--enable-packages=Anasazi,ROL --local-do-all
and it gave the test results:
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 219
Subproject Time Summary:
Anasazi = 233.66 sec*proc (74 tests)
ROL = 1216.54 sec*proc (145 tests)
Total Test time (real) = 183.48 sec
I verified that before this change it gave the test results:
98% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 219
Subproject Time Summary:
Anasazi = 11077.20 sec*proc (74 tests)
ROL = 3765.17 sec*proc (145 tests)
Total Test time (real) = 1861.28 sec
The following tests FAILED:
31 - Anasazi_Epetra_BKS_norestart_test_MPI_4 (Failed)
93 - ROL_adapters_tpetra_test_sol_TpetraSimulatedConstraintInterfaceCVaR_MPI_4 (Timeout)
102 - ROL_test_function_DerivativeCheck_MPI_1 (Failed)
129 - ROL_test_step_TrustRegion_MPI_1 (Failed)
160 - ROL_example_poisson-inversion_example_01_MPI_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
(Darn I love the script for testing locally.)