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Remove file ATDMDevEnvAllPtPackages.cmake (#4502)

Created by: bartlettroscoe

Now that the system automatically adjusts for all Primary Tested packages with the '-pt' and '_pt' matching, we don't need the file ATDMDevEnvAllPtPackages.cmake anymore. (Related to #4502 (closed).)

Also, we don't need the build:


anymore because the all-at-once build will pass now.

I tested this on 'ride' with:

./ cuda-9.2-gnu-7.2.0-rdc-release-debug-pt

*** ./  cuda-9.2-gnu-7.2.0-rdc-release-debug-pt

ATDM_TRILINOS_DIR = '/home/rabartl/Trilinos.base/Trilinos'

Load some env to get python, cmake, etc ...

Hostname 'ride6' matches known ATDM host 'ride' and system 'ride'
Setting compiler and build options for buld name 'default'
Using white/ride compiler stack GNU-7.2.0 to build DEBUG code with Kokkos node type SERIAL and KOKKOS_ARCH=Power8

Running builds:

Running Jenkins driver ...

which submitted to:

confirming this fixed the configure (the build is still running).

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