MueLu: fix bug in unit-test CreatePreconditioner for #5074
Created by: lucbv
Adding the header: <Teuchos_XMLParameterListHelpers.hpp>
in the unit-test CreatePreconditioner.cpp
Motivation and Context
This will allow proper compilation of the unit-test when Tpetra is disabled.
Related Issues
- Closes #5074 (closed)
- Blocks
- Is blocked by
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- Precedes
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- Part of
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How Has This Been Tested?
I tested the fix on the machine that performs this nightly test. The change results in a passing build and test.
My commit messages mention the appropriate GitHub issue numbers. -
My code follows the code style of the affected package(s). -
My change requires a change to the documentation. -
I have updated the documentation accordingly. -
I have read the code contribution guidelines for this project. -
I have added tests to cover my changes. -
All new and existing tests passed. -
No new compiler warnings were introduced. -
These changes break backwards compatibility.