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Zoltan2: Scotch and ParMETIS config time version check. (#160)

Created by: MicheldeMessieres

@kddevin I’ve modified FindTPLScotch and FindTPLParMETIS to check for Zoltan2 required versions.

Scotch requires: 6.0.3 ParMETIS requires: 4.0.3

There was already a compile time check for ParMETIS in TPLTraits.cpp which I removed since it would be redundant to the new config time check.

Also there was a compile time check for MPI and ParMETIS which I changed to a config time check. Let me know if that is not desirable but it seems more appropriate to have them all together.

Proper behavior was checked using the following versions as tests: Scotch: 6.0.4 and 5.1.12 ParMETIS: 4.0.3 and 3.2.0

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